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In this episode, we return to the mysticism of the Ouija board. What powers does it hold? Can it activate Poltergyst activity? We received an email that took us back to talking about the Ouija board and the feelings associated with it. It is one of the most requested topics we get emails about. Some of the stories we will be reading to you are.
The open circle
When Vince, now 30, was a child, one of his friends goaded him into playing with an Ouija board in his basement. Young Vince didn’t expect anything unusual to happen, so he went along with it. Once they started to play, however, the lights began to flicker, the air around them grew cold, and a spirit began to communicate with them through the board. The spirit spelled out a Russian name and claimed he had been murdered.
“We took a break to make some pizza rolls,” Vince says, “but we forgot to close the circle when we were done.” (If you’re new to Ouija board stories, that’s a giant no-no!) “After returning to the basement, the energy was much heavier, and books and things were sprawled out on the floor.” And yet, the board remained perfectly still in the center of the room, just how they had left it. “Upon looking at a mirror that we had nearby, the eye of the Ouija board was moving sporadically in its reflection.”
Solo play
Most people play with a Ouija board in groups, or at least with one other person. But Ossiana wanted to try to use it on her own. She put her hands on the pointer and asked questions, but nothing happened. She took her hands off of the pointer and was about to put the game away when the planchette began to move around on its own. “I’ll never try that again,” says the 30-year-old from New Jersey.
A haunted housewarming
“The first time I used a Ouija board, I was about six or seven, and I was with my mom and older sister, who was about 15 at the time,” Paige, now 24, tells Reader’s Digest. The family had just moved to a new house, much bigger and much older than the one they lived in previously. That night, Paige, her mother, and her sister were eating pizza on the living room floor since they didn’t have all of their furniture set up yet, and they put on a fire to ease the chill of the fall air. After dinner, her sister pushed her mom to let them play with their old Ouija board
“As we were using it,” Paige recounts, “a box in the living room that had some books in it literally flew across the room.” Shortly after that, the fire inexplicably went out, and their mother was so shaken that she took the girls to their grandmother’s house to spend the night. If this story doesn’t convince you to skip the Ouija board and opt for one of these Halloween movies for kids instead, we don’t know what will!
A rare phenomenon has some children born unto us as gifted in what we call Indigo Child or Rainbow Children. But what does this mean? What abilities do these children possess? How can you tell if your child is one? How can you tell if you are one? The 222 Paranormal Podcast has researched for you! We talk about the signs and meanings of this incredible talents.
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Do you ever feel like you got a fresh start? Have you ever had a feeling of being renewed? Have you ever felt like you are a completely different person? If you have it could be what we call a soul transfer. In this episode, the 222 Paranormal Podcast explores the phenomenon called walk ins and soul transferring.
Is it possible? How does it happen? when does it happen? We will explore all these questions and more, stay tuned and listen in!
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In this episode, we talk about the phenomenon of Walk In's. Also known as Soul Exchange.
A walk-in can only occur when one soul is ready to leave their earthly life and agrees to give the body over to another. Souls decide to leave earth for many reasons, but for walk-outs the most common reason is the desire to cut a life short due to suicidal feelings that won't subside. In some other cases, their Life Plan may be complete, their karma for that lifetime complete, or because they are unable to learn or grow in that particular life any further. The person's Higher Self may have plans for them in a new, better lifetime, and so withdraw the essence from the body. With the case of suicide, the soul is saved the need to harm their own body in order to leave it, for the walk-in soul requires a healthy body. So, an agreed upon switch is made, leaving a healthy body that another soul can utilize.
Can you hear that Evelyn? It's time for me to go....the faint whistle of the train is heard upon the wind. The train arrives yet no one is at the helm. The ghost train is always on time.
One of the most mysterious ghostly happenings, one shrouded in fog and the night are phantom trains. The metal screeching of the brakes against the clanking of the rails, a conductor yelling all aboard, the sound of an engine crashing off a long since abandon Trestle. These are some of the most prevalent paranormal happenings involving phantom trains.
In small towns to abandon tunnels sightings of rail workers and passengers on their forever voyages replay the derailments, crashes and horrifying accidents that they never thought could happen to them. The 50,000 tons of steel balanced only on two rails moving across the lands, someone their first journey, others who traveled the night owls for all their lives met with a fate only the gods would understand.
Travel with the 222 Paranormal Podcast onto some of the most haunting sightings of phantom trains, haunted rail cars, and famous train tragedy's.
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An unidentified flying object (UFO), more recently renamed by US officials as an unidentified anomalous phenomenon (UAP), is any perceived aerial phenomenon that cannot be immediately identified or explained. On investigation, most UFOs are identified as known objects or atmospheric phenomena, while a small number remain unexplained.
Grey aliens, sometimes known as Zeta Reticulans, Grays, or simply Greys, are by far the most commonly reported species involved in UFOlogical cases. Named for the coloration of their skin, these sapient humanoids have gathered fame and attention from researchers thanks to such infamous incidents as the Roswell UFO crash of 1947 and the Barney and Betty Hill abduction case in 1961; and their image has found its way into popular imagination and mass media to represent the archetypal, flying saucer-using, memory-erasing alien visitor who abducts subjects to study them.
Are aliens walking among us? Have they made contact? Have we seen them on the earth's surface? The 222 Paranormal Podcast hopes to answer all these questions and more in this week's episode#344.
For centuries, stories and hieroglyphs have been peppered with tales and carvings and paintings of these mythical creatures. Large eyed beings peering into our windows, abducting farm animals, or teaching ancient cultures techniques we modern folk cannot comprehend.
Listen in as the super siblings of podcasting discuss some interesting facts and theories all about aliens.
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Do you love an old historic home? Large porches waiting for a rocking chair occupant to sit and ponder that day, stoic attics whose windows seem empty and lonely waiting for someone to look into, old carved wood banisters that wait for a hand to hold them as you descend. Can you imagine actually getting to purchase one only to find out it isn't unoccupied? That the living has moved out but the unliving remain and don't want to leave?
Our guest today is that lucky homeowner. Karlo Zuzic, a long-time paranormal researcher, featured on several paranormal shows as seen on Travel Channel, Animal Planet and History Channel shares his amazing journey on how he brought a haunted historic home called Bihl Manor and all the creepy activity that is happening.
Listen in the 343rd episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.
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Serving time could seem like an eternity, perhaps it is. Especially when you are in Ohio State Reformatory, aka Mansfield Prision. And no one knows it better than Greg Feketik, author and lead investigator of Tri-C Ghost Hunters. Greg's years of investigation had led him to Mansfield, where the spirits follow him from cell to cell and beyond. We caught up with Greg and give some great ghost stories to you, our listener as well as info on the upcoming ParaPysCon2023.
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Greg is the author of Roads into the Unknown: A Ghost Hunter's Journey Continues Paperback.
The Ohio State Reformatory (OSR), also known as the Mansfield Reformatory, is a historic prison located in Mansfield, Ohio in the United States. It was built between 1886 and 1910 and remained in operation until 1990 when a United States Federal Court ruling (the 'Boyd Consent Decree') ordered the facility to be closed. While this facility was seen in a number of films (including several while the facility was still in operation), TV shows, and music videos, it was made famous by the film The Shawshank Redemption (1994) when it was used for most scenes of the movie.
From small town to small town one staple of the community is the local jail. Although often forgotten, they are necessary part of the dynamic of the society we live in. Many of these stone castles and small impenetrable fortifications have been abandoned for more modern facilities. But some have not forgotten. Spirits still roam the short halls and tiny cells. The energy of long since passed guards and inmates sometimes reach out to the living as if to say, I'm still here, this place mattered to me. Or perhaps their unrestful souls are trapped in the space that ended their life or somehow saved it. One person preserving the history of those sites is Miranda Young, aka The Ghost Biker.
Miranda's series The Ghost Biker, takes us on a journey to some of these jails, and brings us at the 222 Paranormal Podcast, a sneak peek into the latest season.
Listen in as we journey together with The Ghost Biker to find some haunted locations.
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Secret Societies are cloaked in shroud and mystery. Private ceremonies, invite only parties, members who are sworn to secrecy participate in ancient rituals, indulge in hush hush rites, possibly partake in debauchery. One such place and order was the Hellfire Cave and the Hellfire Club. We travel back in time to share the origins of this mystical group and gathering spots to peek into the closed off convention.
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The Hellfire Club
To build the lodge, they say that Connolly's workmen used stones from the ancient passage tombs - their destruction marks the start of the association of the site with the supernatural.
Local legend has it that the devil was so enraged by the desecration that he blew off the wooden roof of the lodge in a storm.
After Connolly's death, his widow leased the building to the Earl of Rosse, Richards Parsons, in 1735. He was one of the leading figures in the Dublin Hellfire Club - also known as The Blasters or the Young Bucks of Dublin.
The club was one of many in both England and Ireland where rich young rakes indulged in ceremonial drinking and dining and gambling and carousing.
The Hellfire Caves (also known as the West Wycombe Caves) are a network of man-made chalk and flint caverns that extend 260m underground. They are situated above the village of West Wycombe, at the southern edge of the Chiltern Hills near High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, Southeast England.
They were excavated between 1748 and 1752 for Francis Dashwood, 11th Baron le Despencer (2nd Baronet), founder of the Society of Dilettanti and co-founder of the Hellfire Club, whose meetings were held in the caves. The caves have been operating as tourist attractions since 1863.
Welcome to 2023! New Year New Boo!! The 222 Paranormal Podcast welcomes back all our listeners and to our new listeners, thank you! On today's episode we are sharing some New Years's Ghost Stories and weird New Year's Traditions, and some help tips for the coming year! Stay tuned for another great episode, and we are looking for forward to another amazing year you all!
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In this episode, we talk about New Year's traditions and some ghost stories.
A few stories
Lady in Red Phantom
The Celebration of The Drake Hotel's Grand Opening on New Year's Eve Photo Credit: Windy City Ghosts
On New Year's Eve of 1920, the Drake Hotel celebrated its opening night with much glamour and tinsel! It was both magnificent and tragic. It was magnificent because the Drake was to be one of Chicago’s most beautiful and celebrated hotels. It was tragic because, according to legend, it was the night the “Woman in Red” ended her life.
On this day, a man and his fiancée (who was clad in a brilliant red silk gown) attended the gala held in the Drake’s Gold Coast Room. The man stepped away and did not return, so his fiancée went looking for him. She found him, enthralled by another woman, in the Palm Court parlor. The devastated woman climbed to the roof and jumped to her death.
Since then, guests at the Drake have reported seeing her apparition in the Gold Coast Room, Palm Court, and on the top 10th floor as well as the roof. Condemned to replay her final night, her restless soul wanders attempting to find peace with the final tragic chapter of her life. In addition to spontaneous phantom appearances in her red garment, workers and guests also get a creepy and uncomfortable feeling in the ballroom.
The Phantoms of the Inn
The Inn on Main Street Bed and Breakfast, located in Weaverville, North Carolina, is indeed very spirited on New Year’s Eve! Although the innkeepers of this historic bed and breakfast will not admit it's haunted, there's no denying the tales told by guests or staff verifying the house's spectral activity. Phantoms lurk in its spaces, and mysteriously, they have a special preference for making an appearance on New Year’s Eve.
Strangely, on New Year's Eve, guests frequently hear pictures fall off the wall multiple times, never finding physical evidence of them actually falling. Is this a residual haunting or just too much celebratory champagne? In addition, many also hear the back door open and then close. Yet, again, no mortal is ever discovered entering the building.
The house was built 100 years ago by a doctor. The innkeepers know of at least one person has died in the house. A bloodstain remains under the tiles in a bathroom that was once part of his operating room and lab. The stain was never able to be removed, even with sanding, resorting to it being hidden with tile. Could any of these haunts have a relevance to the celebrations of a New Year?
Do not hesitate from staying at this inn. On the other hand, be fascinated for the opportunity! Innkeepers have been told all the energy here is good, claiming they've never lost a guest to the inn's 10 identified phantoms including men, women, children, Native Americans, and even a white dog. But again, they will never confirm their presence. Really?
The Haunted Agora Theatre
A holiday ghost hunt on December 31st was planned to seek the legends that haunt this historical venue. The entity they sought most was the ominous man in the yellow raincoat. During the investigation, one of the ghost hunters felt a splash of cold water on the back of her legs. Upon reaching down to find the source, she found that her tights were dry and there was no one behind her who could have spilled liquid. Still, a strange wet sensation remained tingling and continued where she felt “water” minutes after the encounter.
This, in fact, is a common experience, all attributed to the man in the yellow raincoat. The iconic apparition is not shy! He has been seen on the stage, on the catwalk, and in several of the viewing balconies. Apparently, he is interactive with spectators, often casting “disciplinary looks” when the audience is naughty.
Other experiences that many have encountered include doors opening on their own and the appearance of what looks like bloodstains in the basement.
The Agora Theatre and Ballroom has seen the performances of Elvis and The Beatles and is also home to some spirits. Besides the man in the yellow raincoat, many apparitions have been seen. A psychic once did an investigation and said the spirit's name was John.
It's the most wonderful time of the year...It's time for our annual Christmas Show! Joe and I have scoured the multiverse to find you some fun and weird Christmas traditions and hope to fill your listening stocking with these interesting finds.
Have a wonderful holiday season and enjoy the show! -Joe and Jen
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from Team Wanderlust | 07 December 2021
Forget the Chrthe istmas turkey. For many Japanese, traditional Christmas dinner is Kentucky Fried Chicken.
Due to a combination of tiny Japanese ovens and a clever marketing campaign convincing locals that fried chicken is a traditional American Yuletide feast, reservations have to be made to eat at a KFC on Christmas Day.
During the run-up to Christmas, Colonel Sanders statues outside KFC’s Japanese outlets wear Santa gear. The chicken is served in special holiday packaging.
Demand is such that an online service has been created: order your Xmas Family Bucket in advance and have it delivered.
Norwegians believe that Christmas Eve coincides with the arrival of evil spirits and witches. It is only logical then, that Norwegian householders hide all their brooms before they go to sleep.
After all, nothing spoils Christmas quicker than finding your broom in broken pieces at the foot of a tree, trashed by some joy-riding witch.
In the week leading up to Christmas, Venezuelans attend a daily church service called Misa de Aguinaldo (Early Morning Mass)
Indeed, so widespread is the practice, many roads in the capital are closed until 8am to provide Christmas worshippers with a safe passage.
In Austria, St Nicholas has an evil counterpart called Krampus. He is the bad cop to St Nick’s good cop, a demon-like creature with one task: to punish bad children before Christmas.
Men dressed in devil costumes roam the streets, carrying chains and a basket for abducting especially bad children and hauling them to hell.
It's certainly one way to keep the kids off the streets.
5: Catalonia: Pooping their way through Christmas
Locals in Catalonia create a character out of a log, drawing a face on it and giving it a hat. Then they spend a fortnight 'feeding' it fruit, nuts and sweets.
On Christmas Eve, the entire family beats the log with sticks and sings a traditional song that translates to 'if you don't crap well, i'll beat you with a stick' until the log excretes all its treats. It's hard to comprehend why this tradition hasn't caught on elsewhere.
They also decorate their nativity scenes with small, pooping, ceramic caganers (figurines). Usually well-known characters, often drawn from that year's news, the figurines always have their pants around their ankles.
Next time you find yourself complaining about granny's festive brussel sprouts, spare a thought for the poor tykes in Greenland.
Each Christmas, they have to tuck into mattak – raw whale skin with a little blubber – and kiviak, which is made by wrapping an auk (a small arctic bird) in seal skin, burying it for several months and eating its decomposed flesh.
In Guatemala, cleanliness really is next to Godliness. Locals believe that the devil and other evil spirits live in the dark, dirty corners of your home.
Therefore, they spend the week before Christmas sweeping up, collecting rubbish and then piling everything in a huge heap outside. Finally, an effigy of the devil is placed on top and the whole thing is set on fire.
It's called La Quema del Diablo, the 'Burning of the Devil'. The idea for Guatemalans is to burn all the bad from the previous year and start a new year from out of the ashes.
In addition to the standard tinsel, fairy lights and baubles, Ukrainians like to throw an artificial spider and web on the tree as well.
The tradition has its origins in an old tale of a poor woman who couldn't afford to decorate her tree and woke on Christmas morning to discover a spider had covered it in a glorious, sparkling web.
It’s for good luck. It's not about poor housekeeping.
During consoda, the traditional Christmas feast in Portugal, families sometimes set extra places at the dining table for deceased relatives.
It's thought that the practice will ensure good fortunes for the household. In some areas crumbs are left on the hearth as well. And you thought feeding all your living relatives was hard enough.
Unable to conclusively prove the existence of Santa, the Vatican decided to throw its weight behind something they'd had countless dealings with: an old witch called La Befana who delivers presents to kids in Italy.
The story goes that the three wise men invited the witch to accompany them to see the baby Jesus. She said she was too busy and the legend was born.
On Christmas Eve, unmarried Czech women stand with their back to the door and toss one of their shoes over their shoulder.
If it lands with the toe facing the door, it means that they’ll be married within the year.
If it lands with the heel facing the door, they’re in for another year of watching Bridget Jones movies. Perhaps it's better than marrying a heel, though.
On the evening of 5 December, German children leave a boot or a shoe outside their bedroom door.
In the morning, if they've been good, they will wake to find the shoes filled with sweets. If they have haven’t, they will find only a branch.
Obviously, it is best to leave out the newest pair of shoes you own – preferably, fresh out of the box.
Here's one for the New Year. In Spain, it is customary to wear red underwear on New Year's Eve.
The small town of La Font de la Figuera has taken the tradition one step further: a New Year’s Eve run with the runners wearing just red underwear.
Coincidentally, the town has the highest incidence of pneumonia in the country.
New Jersey's own Eleanor Wagner, author and paranormal podcaster guests today on the 222 Paranormal Podcast. She is the author of "Sussex County Hauntings" With 20+ years of experience, Eleanor shares some of her most haunted encounters and spooky investigations.
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Eleanor Wagner’s first book, "Dream A Little Dream", a psychological thriller with a romantic edge has garnered a five-star rating. Released on Halloween 2019, "Sussex County Hauntings and Other Strange Phenomena" is her first non-fiction novel which inspired her to start a paranormal team. "Sussex County Hauntings and Other Strange Phenomena: Part ll" was released on Cinco de Mayo 2020. Warren County Hauntings and Other Strange Phenomena was released in October 2021. Sussex County Hauntings and Other Strange Phenomena: Part lll released in October 2022. Her first children's book, "Jeanine Beane Meets Mavis the Camel," part of a Second-Grade reader series, is due to be published in 2022. She's currently working on her second fiction supernatural romance. She is the host of her own podcast, "Eleanor Wagner's Strange and Scary World" out of the Paranormal UK Radio Network and a LIVE show, "Eleanor Wagner's Creepin' It Reel" streamed through her Eleanor Wagner YouTube channel or wherever you get your podcasts. She has served twice on the Romance Panel and once on the Paranormal Panel for the Milford Authors and Writers Festival and presented at the Boonton Book Festival in Fall of 2021. She was named on Fran Briggs Best of Winter Reading 2019 List and featured on "Paranormal Caught on Camera" in November 2020 discussing her investigation of the Sterling Hill Mines in Ogdensburg, New Jersey.
U.K. Radio Network
Best of Winter Reading 2019 list
Sadly, the paranormal community lost one of its own recently. Linda Godfrey, author of Weird Michigan and The Beast of Bray Road, left us way too soon. So, we decided this show to her contributions to the paranormal community and continue the quest to find out more about Dogman and other paranormal cryptids.
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The Beast of Bray Road, also known as the Bray Road Beast and the Wisconsin Werewolf, is a purported humanoid wolf-like creature allegedly witnessed in or near the rural community of Elkhorn, Walworth County, Wisconsin. It has since become a part of Wisconsin folklore and has been the subject of multiple books, documentaries, and a 2005 horror film.
Named for the farm road in which it was first purportedly sighted, reports of the creature in the 1980s and 1990s prompted a local newspaper, the Walworth County Week, to assign reporter Linda Godfrey to cover the story. Godfrey was initially skeptical, but later became convinced of the sincerity of the witnesses. Her series of articles later became a book titled The Beast of Bray Road: Tailing Wisconsin's Werewolf.
Reports of a similar creature in the neighboring state of Michigan also tell of an alleged wolf-like humanoid, the Michigan Dogman.
Lake Winnebago Water Monster – Lake Winnebago
Ever taken a good look at a sturgeon before? They are some massive prehistoric fish that can be very intimidating up close and in person. This combination of its size and roots makes for some creative folklore, such as inspiration for the Lake Winnebago Water Monster. Some say it’s a sea serpent. Others say it’s a colossal sturgeon. If there’s one thing we do know it’s that there is a lot of mystery shrouded in this beast, many fishermen continue to track the creature in hopes of catching it one day and proving its existence.
. Rocky of Rock Lake – Lake Mills
Moving just east of Madison lies the community of Lake Mills and Rock Lake. The curious thing about Rock Lake is that if you dive down in certain parts of the lake you can find small pyramid-like structures. These mounds were believed to have been created by the Aztalan natives when the lake’s water levels were much lower. Amongst these ruins and the vegetation, one can supposedly discover Rocky, a large serpentine reptile. Rocky is said to dwell amongst the deeper sections of the lake and reappear near the surface occasionally. Many reports occurred during the late 1800s of fishermen who would have violent encounters with the beast. These locals would encounter Rocky by their boats and along the shore where they would be traumatized once sighting the incognito beast hissing at them.
For centuries the lore and legend of giant skeletons swirled around the archeological and paranormal communities. Tales of mound builders and mound destroyers finding enormous skeletal remains hidden deep with the small to massive structures have popped up in over 1,500 newspaper articles in the late 1800's to early 1900's and even into modern times. Who were these ancient ones who roamed North America and beyond? How did they get here? Why did the Native Americans fear and revere them? Why is Ohio the center of for all of the mounds? Tune in to hear Joe and Jen tell you why on this the 335th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.
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Other information in this Episode.
Workmen in the employ of the Fergusson Construction Company excavating for the new Toledo and Ottawa Beach Railroad, a little beyond the city limits of Toledo, Ohio, unearthed three skeletons, evidently relics of some great race, as they were about seven feet in length. Just where the ears should be on the head are singular bony protuberances which curl forward. The finds were made in solid yellow clay about eight feet below the surface. The cut is through a large mound, not half of which has yet been torn up. Several stone tomahawks of large size have been picked up in the locality.
A mound near Toledo, Ohio held 20 skeletons, seated and facing east with jaws and teeth “twice as large as those of present-day people” and beside each was a large bowl with curiously wrought hieroglyphic figures.
The Hocking sentinel. Logan, Ohio, April 28, 1898, pg 2 Toledo 3 Giant Skeletons Research done by Rephaim23
Alexandria Gazette, Alexandria D. C. October 26, 1895
Cayuga Chief, 30 April 1898, pg 1.
American Antiquarian, Volume 3., 1880. ‘twice as large”.
TIFFIN, Nov. 18. — While engaged in excavating a cellar on Webster Street the workmen exhumed a mammoth
skeleton, indicating that the individual who formerly possessed the osseous frame- work was over seven feet in height Whether it was that of a white man or an Indian could not be definitely ascertained, as most of the bones crumbled soon after being exposed to the air, and before they could be examined by those conversant with the methods of distinguishing the skeletons of the
aborigines from those of their white brothers. Certain it is that the remains had been interred so long as to spoil
every chance for a sensation based upon some half traditional or wholly mythical tragedy.
Springfield, O., April 7.—A giant skeleton of a man has been unearthed on the Woolverton farm, a short distance
from Tippecanoe City. It measures eight feet from the top of the leg to the ankles, the feet being
missing. The skull Is large enough to fit as a helmet over the average man’s head. This skeleton was one of
seven found buried In a circle, their feet being pointed toward the center. Crude implements were near. The
skeletons are thought to be those of mound builders.
According to Northern Paiute oral history, the Si-Te-Cah, Saiduka or Sai'i are a legendary tribe whose mummified remains were allegedly discovered under four feet of guano by guano miners in what is now known as Lovelock Cave near Lovelock, Nevada, United States.
Although the cave had been mined since 1911, miners did not notify authorities until 1912. The miners destroyed many of the artifacts, but archaeologists were still able to retrieve 10,000 Northern Paiute artifacts from the cave. Items included tule duck decoys, sandals, and baskets, several dating back over 2,000 years.
Oral history
According to the Northern Paiutes, the Si-Te-Cah were a red-haired band of cannibals. The Si-Te-Cah and the Paiutes were at war, and after a long struggle, a coalition of tribes trapped the remaining Si-Te-Cah in Lovelock Cave. When they refused to come out, the Paiutes piled brush before the cave mouth and set it aflame. The Si-Te-Cah were annihilated.
Sarah Winnemucca, daughter of Paiute Chief Winnemucca, wrote about what she described as "a small tribe of barbarians" who ate her people in her book Life Among the Paiutes: Their Wrongs and Claims. She wrote that "after my people had killed them all, the people around us called us Say-do-carah. It means conqueror; it also means 'enemy.' My people say that the tribe we exterminated had reddish hair. I have some of their hair, which has been handed down from father to son. I have a dress that has been in our family for a great many years, trimmed with reddish hair. I am going to wear it sometime when I lecture. It is called a mourning dress, and no one has such a dress but my family." Winnemucca does not mention giants.
On today's Episode #334: Join us for haunted tales of Brushy Mountain, haunted caves and Appalachian weirdness, we cover it all!
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During Miranda's overnight, she captured class A EVP’s
Ghost Biker Explorations: End of the Line, S2 Episode 1
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Brushy Mountain state pen
In 1891 there was a major uprising of the miners in the town of coal Creek 39 miles from Brushy mountain Pen this was known as the coal Creek war which was a fight against convict leasing.
In 1896 the Tennessee legislature abolished the act of leasing prisoners for labor at the coal mine. But I ended up building the brushy Mountain State prison and coal mine. Which made the prisoners the workforce and the prisoners ended up doing every bit of the work. The prisoners became the complete workforce for the mines. They use the prisoners to build everything including the railroad tracks and all the mining equipment needed to mind the earth. Then the prisoners themselves became unpaid employees of the mine. The conditions were so bad that hundreds of inmate minors died in accidents in the mine. According to old news accounts.
The inmates had a daily quota they had to come up with every day and if they did not make that quota they were beaten severely, and the next day had to make up for that quota they missed. Beatings happened in the courtyard in front of the other inmates.
In 1966 the state closed the mine.
Known as the end of the line or Alcatraz of the South
Is now open to tours, and ghost hunts, and has a restaurant and distillery.
There was no spot in the prison considered death row, the prison was so violent that the entire prison was considered death row that's why they called it the end of the line. Once you were sentenced to brushy Mountain State penitentiary you were pretty much guaranteed never to leave.
The prison cemetery has around 400 burials, but none are identified or kept secret.
There was no part of the prison off limits to murder from inmate to inmate from guard to inmate and guard to guard.
Hauntings include everything that you can imagine that comes out of a prism.
Noises, screams, voices, apparitions, EVPs , light, anomalies, shadows, figures, noises such as banging, machinery, door slams, the rattling of chains, noises that the inmates did on a regular basis.
Other haunted locations involve the prison.
Drummond’s Bridge/Trestle (Briceville, TN)
In Briceville, there is a scary bridge that is made even scarier by local lore. There are many different accounts of the Drummond legend, however, it seems the real story is that a 25-year-old miner was hanged in retaliation for the murder of William Laugherty during the Coal Creek War (Karin Shapiro, A New South Rebellion).
Richard (Dick) Drummond - Coal Creek War, Briceville, TN
Dick Drummond was one of the many laborers who were killed by militiamen sent by Governor John P. Buchanan. Legend has it that the ghost of Dick Drummond still wanders the area looking for revenge against the soldiers who dragged him to the railroad trestle and hanged him. If you are one to connect with the spirits, you may be able to see a shadowy figure hanging from the bridge’s trestlework or walking the tracks.
As part of a spooky game, kids dare each other to walk across the bridge at midnight. Apparently, at this witching hour, Drummond walks across the bridge and then vanishes into thin air. Whether it’s a local trickster or the ghost of Drummond himself, the trip will surely scare the wits out of you. Bring your camera, you may just be able to capture it.
If you don’t think that’s scary enough, try driving through Circle Cemetery Road, up the hill on Circle Road, which causes the chills even during daylight. Also be sure to check out Red Ash Cemetery (official name is Turley Cemetery), around 10 minutes away from the bridge, located off Old Tennessee 63 in Caryville, TN
The entire Red Ash area is suspected of being haunted, including reports of giant goat men and hell-hounds. From Satanic rituals to murder, stories and hauntings abound.
Mine's haunted by Tommyknockers
According to Merriam-Webster, a tommyknocker is “the ghost of a man killed in a mine.” Other references indicate that the folktale is more complicated than mere haunting.
“The Knocker, Knacker, is a mythical creature in Welsh, Cornish and Devon folklore. It is closely related to the Irish leprechaun or clurichaun, Kentish kloker, and the English and Scottish brownie. The Cornish described the creature as a little person two feet tall, with a big head, long arms, wrinkled face, and white whiskers. It wears a tiny version of a standard miner’s garb and commits random mischief, such as stealing miners’ unattended tools and food.
Some miners believed Cornish Tommyknockers haunted underground passages. Miners crafted crude clay statues of knockers with match stick eyes and placed them in the mines as guardians.
Some miners believed Cornish Tommyknockers haunted underground passages. Miners crafted crude clay statues of knockers with match stick eyes and placed them in the mines as guardians.
“The name comes from the knocking on the mine walls that happens just before cave-ins – actually the creaking of earth and timbers before giving way. To some miners, knockers were malevolent spirits and the knocking was the sound of them hammering at walls and supports to cause the cave-in. To others, who saw them as essentially well-meaning practical jokers, the knocking was their way of warning the miners that a life-threatening collapse was imminent.”
“According to some Cornish folklore, the Knockers were the helpful spirits of people who had died in previous accidents in the many tin mines in the county, warning the miners of impending danger. To give thanks for the warnings, and to avoid future peril, the miners cast the last bite of their tasty pasties into the mines for the Knockers.”
Cross Mountain Mine disaster
25 miles north of Brushy mountain pen in Briceville, Tennessee
The Cross Mountain Mine disaster was a coal mine explosion that occurred on December 9, 1911, near the community of Briceville, Tennessee, in the southeastern United States. In spite of a well-organized rescue effort led by the newly created Bureau of Mines, 84 miners died as a result of the explosion. The likely cause of the explosion was the ignition of dust and gas released by a roof fall.
At least 22 of the miners killed in the Cross Mountain Mine disaster were buried in a circular memorial known as the Cross Mountain Miners' Circle, which is now listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
Are they here? What do they want? Is Joe a Reptilian? We'll we try to answer all of that and more in this week's episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast. What has been spotted in Michigan? What is happening in space? Who can tell you all about it? We can of course! in this the 333rd episode, we cover interesting info on space, aliens and visits to Michigan.
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Click here to go to Michigan MUFON
In this episode, we talk about the recent ad past occurrences of UFOs over Michigan. Did you know that Michigan has some of the biggest UFO cases on record? The 1966 sightings over Southeast Michigan and 1994 sightings over Grand Rapids each had literally hundreds of eyewitnesses to them, including law enforcement and radar returns. Find out more from the Michigan chapter of MUFON (Mutual UFO Network), about these incredible events as well as several other unusual and well-documented UFO sightings from the Great Lakes State.
UFO activity never dies down it just changes over time. From the Airship flap to the Triangle crafts it evolves with time. Joe also talks about the Drake Equation
The Drake equation is a probabilistic argument used to estimate the number of active, communicative extraterrestrial civilizations in the Milky Way Galaxy.
The equation was formulated in 1961 by Frank Drake, not for purposes of quantifying the number of civilizations, but as a way to stimulate scientific dialogue at the first scientific meeting on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence (SETI). The equation summarizes the main concepts which scientists must contemplate when considering the question of other radio-communicative life. It is more properly thought of as an approximation than as a serious attempt to determine a precise number.
The Drake equation is:
N = the number of civilizations in the Milky Way galaxy with which communication might be possible (i.e. which are on the current past light cone);
R∗ = the average rate of star formation in our Galaxy
fp = the fraction of those stars that have planets
ne = the average number of planets that can potentially support life per star that has planets
fl = the fraction of planets that could support life that actually develop life at some point
fi = the fraction of planets with life that actually go on to develop intelligent life (civilizations)
fc = the fraction of civilizations that develop a technology that releases detectable signs of their existence into space
L = the length of time for which such civilizations release detectable signals into space.
We also talk about the Fermi Paradox.
The Fermi Paradox seeks to answer the question of where the aliens are.
Given that our solar system is quite young compared to the rest of the universe — roughly 4.5 billion years old, compared to 13.8 billion — and that interstellar travel might be fairly easy to achieve given enough time, Earth should have been visited by aliens already, the idea goes.
Joining us today is the one and only Bob Freeman, Occult Detective. What is an occult detective you ask? We find out that they are persons who investigate study and immerse themselves in the occult phenomena, ghostly happenings and theroies of the strange and unusual. bob brings us all the interesting knowledge on this subject and shares it with you our listeners. Check out his website below:
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In this episode we have the great honor to speak with the occult detective Bob freeman.
Bob Freeman is an Occult Detective, author, artist, game designer, and musician.
His lifelong passions for mythology, folklore, magick, and religion has led him to become a respected lecturer on the occult and paranormal phenomena.
While his base of operations is squarely in Northern Indiana, over the years Freeman has tracked shapeshifters through the Ozarks of Arkansas, communed with spirits at Mesa Verde’s Sun Temple, searched for the Holy Grail in Rosslyn Chapel, helped call down rain atop Hopi’s First Mesa, hunted the Skunk Ape in the swamplands of Florida, gone spelunking in the caves of Southern Indiana and Kentucky in search of Paisa, and more…
His published fiction includes the Cairnwood Manor series — Shadows Over Somerset and Keepers of the Dead — and the Tales of the Liber Monstrorum — First Born and Descendant. Freeman has also written numerous short stories, articles, and reviews for various online and print publications, and as an illustrator, his art has been showcased on book covers by authors such as Steven L. Shrewsbury, Michael West, and Christine Morgan.
Freeman lives in the haunted hinterlands of Indiana with his wife Kim and son Connor.
When most people imagine an Occult Detective, they think in terms of fiction, in which a story is told, regardless of medium, that combines the tropes of traditional detective stories with those found in supernatural horror. Occult Detectives, however, are more than just fictional characters.
Occult Detectives are investigators who immerse themselves in all things strange and unusual. More than just “ghost hunters”, occult detectives are well versed in all manner of occult and magical traditions; in the beliefs, denominations, cults, and sects of traditional and fringe religions; in folk and shamanic practices; in conspiracy theories of all stripes; in ancient aliens, alien abductions, ufology, cryptozoology, altered states of consciousness, ancient history and archaeology, cryptoanthropology, psychic phenomena, and other Fortean matters; in climate change and geopolitics; in secret societies and political structures. And more… so much more.
Occult detectives have a diverse skill set that ranges from the scientific to the fantastic and all points in between.
Jen and Joe are asking for your help to keep this podcast going. Your support goes a long way. Please tell a friend and also consider making a donation to the show.
Deep in the Indiana countryside rests a quiet old red brick building, nothing to assuming as you drive by, but what lies within will send shivers from head to toe.
The Randolph County Infirmary, also known as The Haunted Randolph Asylum, is filled with the restless spirits of the former patients, poor, orphaned and widowed who never want to leave. They are in good hands though, as their caretaker is among the living. The 222 Paranormal Podcast catches up with Tim Murphy, who has a deep connection to all the ghosts and walls and brings us some new updates and info all about Randolph.
You can book your own ghostly encounters by clicking the link below for the Randolph Co. website.
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Click here for the Randolph Asylum Website
Would you like the know the history of the paranormal? Well, we had the person who is researching it all. Linda, the para historian stops by the podcast to give us some cool background and her history of being a medium. We also chat with Brian from Tin Foil Tales Podcast, who brings us his adventures in paranormal podcasting and his spooky background all from the great state of Indiana.
Please if you like what you hear click the links below to support the show. We bring you fresh content every week on all things paranormal.
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As the show travels to the great State of Indiana, we bring you some of the most spookiest, haunted and down right scary locations. From ghosts that roam in your home, to places that would frighten the most seasoned investigator. These locales are sure to make the hair on the back of your neck rise!
Listen in as we give you some great haunted placed to visit when you go to Indiana!
And as always you can support the show by checking out the links below or sending a gift to Cash App $jen222jen.
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Episode 328 Hundreth Monkey Experiment-Psychics and your consciousness
Welcome back listeners and new listeners! On today's episode we discuss the strange and unusual 100 Monkey Experiement and how we think it works. Does the mind project thoughts? How does consciousness effect ourselves and others? Can our thoughts influence others?
Tune in and find out on the 328th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast!
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Hundredth monkey effect
The hundredth monkey effect is a phenomenon in which a new behavior or idea is spread rapidly by unexplained means from one group to all related groups once a critical number of members of one group exhibit the new behavior or acknowledge the new idea. The behavior was said to propagate even to groups that are physically separated and have no apparent means of communicating with each other.
Since it was first popularized, the effect has been discredited in many cases of research. One of the primary factors in the spread of this concept is that many authors quote secondary, tertiary, or post-tertiary sources that have themselves misrepresented the original observations.
Watson (1970s)
Between 1952 and 1953, primatologists conducted a behavioral study of a troop of Macaca fuscata (Japanese monkeys) on the island of Kōjima. The researchers would supply these troops with such foods as sweet potatoes and wheat in open areas, often on beaches.[1] An unanticipated byproduct of the study was that the scientists witnessed several innovative evolutionary behavioral changes by the troop, two of which were orchestrated by one young female, and the others by her sibling or contemporaries. The account of only one of these behavioral changes spread into a phenomenon (i.e., the 'hundredth monkey effect'), which Watson would then loosely publish as a story.
According to Watson, the scientists observed that some of the monkeys learned to wash sweet potatoes, initially through an 18-month-old female member (named "Imo" by the researchers) of the troop in 1953. Imo discovered that sand and grit could be removed from the potatoes by washing them in a stream or in the ocean. Gradually, this new potato-washing habit spread through the troop—in the usual fashion, through observation and repetition. (Unlike most food customs, this behavior was learned by the older generation of monkeys from younger ones.).
This behavior spread up until 1958, according to Watson, when a sort of group consciousness had suddenly developed among the monkeys, as a result of one last monkey learning potato washing by conventional means (rather than the one-monkey-at-a-time method prior). Watson concluded that the researchers observed that, once a critical number of monkeys was reached—i.e., the hundredth monkey—this previously learned behavior instantly spread across the water to monkeys on nearby islands.
Watson first published the story in a foreword to Lawrence Blair's Rhythms of Vision (1975); the story then spread with the appearance of Watson's 1979 book Lifetide: The Biology of the Unconscious.
Original research (1950s)
The original Koshima research was undertaken by a team of scientists as a secondary consequence of 1948 research on semi-wild monkeys in Japan. The Koshima troop was identified as segregated from other monkeys and, from 1950, used as a closed study group to observe wild Japanese macaque behavior. While studying the group, the team would drop sweet potatoes and wheat on the beach and observe the troop's behavior. In 1954, a paper was published indicating the first observances of one monkey, Imo, washing her sweet potatoes in the water.
Her changed behavior led to several feeding behavior changes over the course of the next few years, all of which was of great benefit in understanding the process of teaching and learning in animal behavior. A brief account of the behavioral changes can be seen below:
The young first teach their contemporaries and immediate family, who all benefit from the new behavior and teach it to their contemporaries.
If the parents or their contemporaries (or their parents) are too old, they do not adopt the behavior.
Once the initial group has children, a change occurs in the dynamic of the behavior from teaching previous and current generations to a new dynamic where the next generation learns by observation. The behavior is no longer actively taught but passively observed and mimicked.
The first innovator continues to innovate. The young monkey who started potato washing also learned how to sift wheat grains out of the sand by throwing handfuls of sand and wheat into the water, then catching the wheat that floated to the top. This invention was also copied using the above teaching and learning process until there were too many monkeys on the island with too little wheat apportioned, which is when competition became too fierce and the stronger monkeys would steal the collected wheat from the weaker ones, so they stopped the learned behavior in self-preservation.
The innovator’s sibling started another innovation whereas the monkeys were initially fearful of the ocean, only deigning to put their hands and feet into it, the wheat-straining innovation led to monkeys submerging more of their bodies in the water, or play-splashing in the ocean. This behavior was again copied using the above teaching and learning processes.
On today's episode we talk with Shadow Seekers Paranormal. This Indiana team is going to be hosting ParaUnity Paranormal Convention in Peru, IN on October 22, 2022 from 10-6PM. They bring us some their spooky tales, the history of their team and all about the ParaUnity Event.
Stop by and see us at our booth!
Click here for Jens Poshmark Page
Click here for Paraunity: The Paranormal Convention
Paraunity: The Paranormal Convention
Come join us on Oct 22 at the Miami County Fairgrounds from 10-6.
1029 W 200 N Peru Indiana
Hosted by Shadow Seekers Paranormal
There will be several vendors from Paranormal teams, several Tarot card readers, Authors, Podcast, stones, crystals, custom-made crayons, decals, tumblers, purses, homemade chips, fudge, key chains, yard signs, oils, candles, and resin products There is so much more to list.
We will have Trick or Treat from 11-1 . Halloween Costume Contest at 1:30 and story time with Nick all the way from Chicago.
We will also have a food truck Smoking Barrel. Their food is absolutely delicious
We still have room for venders if interested contact us on Facebook book at Shadow Seekers Paranormal or E-Mail us at
Welcome Janet Amid to the 222 Paranormal Podcast! Janet is a world reknown Astrologer, Intuitive, TV and Radio personality. Her journey started at just five years old and has helped over 41,000 people with her keen sense and deep knowledge of Astrology and Metaphysics. She has helped many celebrities, businesss and local Toledoans understand their life journey, answered questions and guided them onto a better pathway.
Janet is also a Certifed Life Coach and wedding officient and all around beautiful person!
Please check out Janet's Website:
Please remember to subscribe and share the show.
"Astrology supports the philosophy that life is a journey and our horoscope or natal chart is a star born road map of possible destinations"
Please Remember to Subscribe and Share the show.
Best known for his collection of the most recoginzable haunted objects in the world, as well as being one of the most reknown paranormal investigators, we welcome to the show the one and only John Zaffis. His research and work in the field of the paranormal has been documented internationally on many top paranormal television shows and through his books, such as Shadows of the Dark and Demon Haunted. John bring his over forty years of experience and we are so honored he stopped by the 222 Paranormal Podcast to share his wisdom and haunted tales.
Listen in and enjoy our interview with John Zaffis, The Godfather of the Paranormal.