Nestled in small town Sylvania, Ohio is a tiny downtown area with small shops, small cafes...and one big secret. This was the site of a most a gruesome event, a terrifying murder, haunted locations and the former home of Return Ward, Ohio's first serial killer. Bringing us this facinating real story is Haunted Toledo's Sarah Chelten and Christopher Tillman and we talk about their newly released documentary Legends of the Heartland, Vol.1.
Listen in to the 238th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast today and hear the ghostly tale of murdered Olive Ward at the hands of killer Return Ward.
This episode is dedicated to actor Bob Welly who starred in Legends of the Heartland.
Did you every feel overhwhelmed in a crowded space maybe a at rock concert or a rally or perhaps at a theatre? One of the worst fears for people is to be trampled. Your heart races just thinking about it. For many sad souls this terror became reality. In this the 237th episode of the 222 Paranornal Podcast, we bring you hauntinly true events of two tragic days, the Calumet Itailian Hall and the Victoria Hall disasters.
The Betty and Barney Hill case in 1961 is stange as it is complex. And who better to explain it than Steve Ward. Steve brings decades of depthful knowledge of UFO's, alien and cryptids to the show. He shared in this espisode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast the encounter of an American Couple who were abducted, experimented on and returned to earth and the aftermath of this terrifying experience.
Steve Ward is an author, researcher and public speaker.
"Trust not in Sprites nor the motovation of Gnomes" ~Jefferson Smith.
Gnomes. Cute garden statues or real life creatures? Tales of little men in red pointy hats have for centuries been told; Beware of the night gnomes as they want to steal your breath. These elusive nocturnal gardeners have been gaining in sightings lately. This episode we have a first hand account of a gnome encounter in Northwest Ohio.
Listen in as we talk what are gnomes, what do they do and why are they showing themselves?
Who doesn't love an old haunted mansion? Tales of family and history, triumph and heartbreak, success and failure, rich lives and poor behavior. In this episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast, we bring you one such manison...the Lemp Mansion. Let's go back 151 years to tell the paranormal and freightening history of what is now known as one of America's most infamous and haunted estates and brewery, the Lemp Mansion.