Do you believe in vampires? Have you been to the witches circle? In this episode we head back to Erie PA to visit the high strangeness and strange happenings of Erie PA.
Last time we visited we learned about Rev Robin Swoops Book Erie Erie.
Some say the tomb belonged to a wealthy Romanian businessman, but after he was interned, dead bodies were found in the surrounding neighborhoods, drained of their blood with bite marks on their necks. Wealthy Romanian businessman? Looks like Count Dracula decided to settle in Pennsylvania after that whole Jonathon and Mina Harker affair. There are dozens of legends and stories surrounding the vault. Some have to do with Satanic rituals summoning the devil which explains why this particular mausoleum is blackened. Other stories warn of trespassing in the crypt with claims of curses and death for anyone who shows disrespect to the vault and what lies within.
The Witches circle is a legend, in the late 1800s, Erie was home to a coven of witches. When the two leaders of the coven died, they were buried in the circle. It is said that when Satan returned for his servants, the fires of Hell scorched their graves, and the evidence of those stories can still be seen to this day. With such wild claims, it should come as no surprise that the Witches Circle is also home to some paranormal claims. People have reported hearing the sound of footsteps behind them, even when they’re alone. And there are even claims of a rabid black dog that runs at people, only to disappear before it bites you.
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