In this he 172nd episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast, we go back to class with Don "Danger" Collins of the Haunted South Main School, of Bowling Green, Ohio. Don's team, Fringe Paranormal have been hosting ghost hunts and he has come back to the show to talk about new evidence and new activity going on in the classrooms and halls of this historic building.*F
From Paranormal Toledo 2019, we get a chance to bring back one of our favorite paranormal paramours, Nadine Bush-Smith. Nadine brings us some of the scariest real life encounters she and her husband John have encounters with their group Black Swamp Paranormal of NWO. With 30+ years of celestial chasing under their belt, Nadine and John have has many terrifying encounters with ghosts, dogman and other unexplainable entities.
Listen to the 171th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast for another spooky show filled with ghastly ghouls!
With over 30 years of investigations under his belt, Harold St. John founder of Toledo Ohio Ghost Hunters Society comes back to share more spooky and haunting real life ghost encounters. TOGHS has helped people understand unexplained happenings that have presented in their homes and business.
Listen in to this the 160th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.
International speaker Cheryl Costa joins the 222 Paranormal Podcast for a deep conversation about UFO's, Alien lifeforms, and unexplained phenomena. A native and resident of upstate New York who saw her first UFO at age 12. A military veteran, she’s a retired information security professional from the aerospace Industry. Speaking at the International UFO Congress and at the MUFON Symposium has Cheryl traveling the globe. She writes the UFO column “New York Skies” for Besides being a journalist, she’s also a published playwright, holding a bachelor of arts degree from the State University of New York at Empire State College in entertainment writing.
222 welcomes Aaron Sagers to episode 168. We caught up with Aaron at Michigan Paracon X. He is a television presenter/personality, entertainment journalist, founder of, a website which covers paranormal topics in popular culture. Aaron has hosted shows for the Travel Channel and Paranormal Lockdown and Paranormal Paparazzi. Listen as we catch up with Aaron as he shares stories of the business of the paranormal and his paranormal experiences.
Born and raised in Cache, Utah John E Olsen has had strange paranormal experiences since he was a child. Growing up in old farm homestead once owned by the railroad, his encounters sparked him to gather stories for many years. Encouraged by his wife to pursue writing a book, he delved into publishing his first book, Stranger Bridgerland. After the first book came out so many stories were told and given to him about this unique area he came forth with books 2,3,& 4 in the series.
John shares many of his ghostly tales on this the 167th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast. Listen as we hear John tell tales of his strange encounters with UFO's, Sasquatch, ghosts and glitches in the matrix.
On this the 166th Episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast, we talk with Robert and Karen, whose mission is to preserve and research the history of talking board. The TBHGS Talking Board Historical Society was founded to preserve the culture and antiquity of the spirit communication devices. Bring their collection to the Michigan Paracon, the team tells us about the history of the board, the founding of the group an their mission to conserve some of the old boards and dispel some of the myth associated with them.
Back again returning guest Kimberly Poeppy shares more haunted tales from being a third generation antique dealer. So many items she had had contact with are haunted or have attachments which tend to end up in her home and begin reeking havoc. Listen as this amazing lady shares some of the spookiest tales of dealing with haunted antiques!
Rev. Tim Shaw is a ordained minster, radio host, spiritual healer, psychic medium, urban explorer, leatherworker, historical re-enactor, Reiki Master teacher and all around cool dude. Meeting up with Tim at the Michigan Paracon X show, we talk to him about his becoming he healer he is and his abilities. Tim brings his years of experience as a Psychic Medium across as we ask the tough questions.
Tim has been featured in many paranormal Television shows on Discovery and Sy-Fy channels and has authored several books such as Haunted Rochester, and Animal Spells and Magick.
Listen in as we chat with one of the most interesting people on the planet!
Pre-Sale Tickets are still available! Go to our website click the link below:
The talk of Demonology and Exorcism have long been touted as taboo, hush subjects. For thousands of years, the Rite of Exorcisms were performed in sequestered service, thus keeping the details and rituals of extracting demons from individuals and locations confined to the knowledge of the witnesses. In modern times, with the digital media opening and exposing the procedure to the public, exorcism has made it way to the forefront of our visual medium. We talk to one of the churches trained Demonologists, Deacon James Annitto. James brings his knowledge of what he trained to do to the podcast and explains some insight into the role he plays in the Rite of Exorcism.
Listen in to Episode #163 of the 222 Paranormal Podcast fetureing James Annitto.
Get tickets here for the Toledo Bigfoot&Paranormal
Bigfoot, Yowie, Sasquatch. You them by these names but did you know how many names around the world that Bigfoot has? From Asia to Nepal to the good ol' USA, there are hundreds if not thousands of different names for our furry friends. In this episode, we bring you some of the most interesting aliases for the most elusive cryptid on the planet and talk about all things Bigfoot.
Listen in to the 162nd episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.
Click here to get pre-sale tix!
Bigfoot, Mothman, Nessie, we all know them we all love them. We are just crazy about cryptids! Chupacabra, Yowie, Thunderbirds are all mysterious and born of legend. For centuries, man has been enthralled with the search for animals and beast said to be living amongst us, Whether mythical or natural, we have heard eyewitness accounts and explored folklore of hundreds of different strange and unusual creatures who are said to be seen. Come explore some of these amazing tales and let's get crazy for cryptids!
Found at the base of Michigan lies a small island that for a good part of a century has been shrouded on Mystery, Mayhem and Murder. The local legend of Dog lady Island can't seem to go away. Reports of a feral woman who lives among a pack of rabid dogs for years has enchanted ghost hunters and legend seekers to drive the few miles from the Ohio boarder to roam the tiny island in search of the ghosts and demon dogs that remain. Listen in as we bring you the 160th episode the 222 Paranormal Podcast.
Since the birth of the internet, people have been posted ghost photos. We all have googled them at one time or another. Are they real, who took these pictures and where and can they be explained?
In this episode, we discuss our picks for some of the top ghost photos ever captured. You can go to our website to view each of the photos we talk about as you listen to the podcast(please not while driving or distracted, we don't want you ending up a ghost!)
Listen as we conjure up some of the most incredible pictures captured of the spirits that surround us on this the episode 159 of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.
Come enter the world of Pat O'Keefe and Jennifer Proffitt. These ladies are amazing talents in the paranormal community.
Pat is a Psychic Medium and Oracle whose abilities passed down from generations of gifted family. An encounter with her mother's astral projection was her first memory. Since then, interacting with souls has become part of her daily routine. She is a author of the book, Thirty True Tales of the Weird, Unusual and Macabre: From the Notebooks of the Paranormal Journalist, and Unlock Your Psychic Potenial, paranormal investigator and photographer who has been featured on numerous magazines and Coast to Coast's website and has helped on missing persons cases. She travels all over the country with Jennifer Woodward Proffitt to help and heal others.
Jennifer Woodward Proffitt is a native of southwest Virginia and is a paranormal investigator/researcher, a palmist, and a love advisor. She began reading tea leaves and coffee grounds in 1993. Later she learned to read palms and the pendulum. Her goal is to provide a valuable service to her clients and give insight to help them explore their past, present and future to know if they are on the right path, overcome challenges in their lives and strengthen their relationships. Jennifer Co-Founded HAUNT in 2005 and DOA in 2016. As a paranormal investigator, her teams work has been documented in several magazines, As well as books, (Thirty True Tales of the Weird, Unusual and Macabre and The Ghosts of St. Albans Sanatorium.)
Listen in to this the 158th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast! go here to purchase tickets!
BELieve is Rick Hayes is motto. And we do. We met Rick and he is an incredibley talented Medium and life coach. Rick Hayes is the founder of LifesGift, Inc. - an association that supports his consultation and speaking engagement services. As a psychic medium and life consultant with unique abilities, Rick consults on a daily basis with those that have questions on life and the life-after.
As a speaker and lecturer, Rick has shared his unique insight with inspiration and enthusiasm to thousands since 2003. Rick's speaking invitations range from a small organization group to major events and conventions attended by thousands. Rick's wide range of topics is designed to accommodate each speaking invitation.
Rick is a media favorite appearing on television, film, radio, and print media including appearances on The Travel Channel, SYFY Network, Chiller Channel, Fox Television, and Sirius Satellite Radio.
Listen as we talk with Rick on this the Episode 157 of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.
One the road again! We met up with new friends and fellow podcasters Geeks Paranormal. They share all about their group and the haunted stories of their investigations. We discuss when paranormal activity happens while taping podcasts. How they communicate with spirits and ghosts.
Listen in to this the 156th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast featuring GEEKS Paranormal!
What is a Ghostorian? A person who documents ghosts. We met Mike Ricksecker at many events but never had the pleasure of talking to him until now. You may have seen Mike on My Ghost Story on the Bio Channel or The Haunted on Animal Planet. He is the founder of Haunted Road Media, a paranormal and supernatural publishing company and is a fellow paranormal podcaster. Mike brings us spooky tales of the paranormal and catches up with the 222 Paranormal Podcast on all his latest happening and books.
Listen in as we get to know the Ghostorian Mike Ricksecker!
Check out Mike's website below:
For centuries, reports of black shadow dogs have been reported in legends and literature. Accounts of the beasts terrorizing small towns and villages have plagued poor unsuspecting souls who fear these dark entities. What are they and how did they come about? In this episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast, we explore the realm of creature canines who roam graveyards and churches.
Having a baby should be one of the most joyous times in a parents life. You get the crib, the toys, the baby monitor. Imaging relaxing in the living room listening to your child soft breathing or cooing then suddenly hearing a old woman singing or a demonic voice growling. Yup, all that has been hear on these two way devices. In this the 153rd episode of the 222 paranormal Podcast, we bring you some scary audio of things heard on baby monitors.
Listen as Joe and Jen weigh in on these radios and if they would be a new paranormal investigation tool.
Some people dream of living the life of Sex Drugs and Rock N Roll. But it is not all it's cracked up to be. Just ask Detroit's own Rikki Roxx. He not only lived it, he died from it. Then he came back from the dead.
Hundreds of people have experienced a Near Death Experience, or NDE. Rickki's story is an amazing first hand account of what happened to him when he died, went to the afterlife and returned.
Listen into this amazing man who has lived life on the edge and returned to tell his record of what happened when you pass over and come back again.
Over the years a set of very unusual paintings have to come light with a very dark and mysterious shroud of paranormal activity tied to them. The Crying Boy Paintings have been at the center of investigations of bizarre happenings and paranormal occurrences since their inception. Can these painting be the cause of multiple fires? And do the hold the spirits of dead children within their frames and How did they possess these works of art?
Listen in the the 151st episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast to unlock the mysteries of case The Crying Boy Paintings.
Forget the beer commercial guy, Jeff Belanger is the most interesting man in the world. If you have had the pleasure of going to a convention where Jeff Belanger has spoke, then you know what a treat you are in for; if you haven't, then be prepared for one of the most intriguing talks. Jeff is an emmy-nominated host, writer, author, producer and has traveled the globe researching haunted tales and pursuing his life goals. From ghost storytelling in his books to podcasting the New England Legends to writing for the #1 ghost show, Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures, we are truly honored to have this week's guest on the 150th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.
Listen in as we chat with Jeff Belanger, you can check out his website below:
Every family has secrets. Things known but not spoken about. Long unpublished truths hidden in the lineage. Sometimes never revealed, sometimes spoken as one's dying words, sometimes found in lost documents kept in diaries or family bibles. In this modern age, many secrets are revealed. This is the case for our show guest author Jeff Mudgett. Imagine one moment being at a family gathering the next you are told of a deep dark skeleton that had been hidden for years. His ancestor was a serial killer, but not just any serial killer his great great grandfather was the infamous murderer H.H. Holmes.
Author Jeff Mudgett stops by the show to talk about his book, Bloodstains. The tale of his journey of diving into the world of his ancestor and finding out his he in fact Jack the Ripper.
Check out Jeff's books below:
Time to step back into Gettysburg. The famed haunted hallow grounds that hold sacred to all Americans. Generals and privates, the seasoned fighter to the fresh young boy from the farm died together in one of America's bloodiest battles. Some are still fighting the war. Caught in and endless loop reliving the fighting day and night, some seeking answers, some unaware the are dead. Some cry for their mothers, other roam the fields and forest search for the enemy.
One man has encountered these spirits time and again. Don Alison, author of I Met a Ghost at Gettysburg, returns the the show with his new book, I met More Ghosts at Gettysburg. An incredible story of his ghost encounters in the Pennsylvania province.
Listen in to Episode #148 of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.
Get Don's books here: