England in the 1400 and 1500's wasnt necessarily a place of peace and harmony. Paranonia, diesase and fear ruled the land. Healers and medicine people for centuries had mixed potions, healed the sick, and been shunned for the mear fact they were different. Magic casters, spell breakers, and mystics were either revered or spurned. An elderly lady who had cats could be considered a witch and sent to trial. It was a time of great distress and if you were accused you would be sent to The Cage. The Cage was a make shift prison, a small cemented home, where in one room up to 20 accused would be held. This home had been used as asylum, hospital and prison. The activity is astonishing, the current owner fears for her life. Listen in as we tell the tales of Britian's most haunted home know as The Cage.