Since the seventies, we have all regarded the Amityville House the most recognized haunted home in the United States. But there is a fine line between the Hollywood version and the real deal. In this episode, we breakdown some the true story of what happened at this historic New York residence and share some of the gruesome details of the murders.
Listen in the 185th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast!
One persons macabre is another persons fascination. What one culture thinks is perfectly acceptable maybe be horrifying to another. One such example is how the deceased are displayed. Since humans have been roaming the planet upright, we have found that preserving the dead is as much a part of being human as eating and breathing. Whether it is the mummies of Egypt, the monks in Capuchin catacombs or propping Uncle Charlie up in the corner at his wake, we as humans find comfort in displaying the dead for us to see for the rest of eternity. In this the 184th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast we bring this week's show all about strange tales of corpses, missing bodies and the display of human remains.
For centuries thoughts of the dead arising to become the "undead" plagued our nightmares. Can the deceased be brought back to life? Can these mindless corpses be controlled? How does voodoo take part? Is this a real phenomena or urban legend? In this episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast, we bring you real life cases of zombies and the science behind real life zombies.
For Centuries, the Chimera was a feared and revered entity. Half man, half beast? Half man, half woman? Half human, half alien? Is a blending of two species possible? Are they walking among us? Can this even be possible? Is is moral? Listen in to the episode 182 of the 222 Paranormal Podcast to find out!