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Scared & Alone’s Courtney Buckley grew up in haunted houses which started her interest in the paranormal. She got hooked on ghost shows early on which led to amateur investigating in her teens. Working in Salem and doing the haunted history tours has given her a lot of experience as well. And a fun fact: Courtney collects ethically sourced human remains! That’s where her TikTok name “thefeems” comes from… Her favorite piece of remains own is a human femur so “feems” is short for “femur.
Welcome to Scared & Alone!
Scared & Alone is a livestream paranormal investigation where you get to experience what it’s like to be in one of the world’s most haunted locations.
Look for livestream episodes of Scared & Alone on Saturday nights at 9PM Eastern Time on Youtube, or @ScaredAloneLive on Facebook, Twitter and Twitch! Join the investigation and help us explore these mysterious and exciting locations. Hosted by Dean Haglund (The-X-Files, The Lone Gunmen), with “Ghost Bait” Courtney Buckley, Author and Investigator David L. Sloan (Robert the Doll), “The Paranormal Princess” Miss Haley Michelle, “The Gentleman Psychic” Richard-Lael Lillard, Todd Bonner (Detroit Paranormal Expeditions), Tammie Merheb-Chavez (Hollyweird Podcast), Patti Negri (Ghost Adventures, TFIL Overnight), and YOU!