
222 Paranormal Podcast

All things paranormal With your host Jennifer Shortridge & Joe Shortridge Brother and Sister duo Joe and Jen have been interested in all things paranormal since their childhood. We bring to you our personal experiences, news from the paranormal world and special guests.
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222 Paranormal Podcast











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Sep 18, 2022





Spooky Southcoast has been on the AM airwaves since 2006 and a podcast not long after that. Since then we’ve had podcasts ranging from Ghosts and Hauntings to UFOs and Cryptids. WBSM radio has somehow let us keep coming back to do the show every Saturday night here in New Bedford, MA for over ten years.

In it’s genesis, SSC began with Tim Weisberg and Matt Costa at the helm but has since brought on psychic medium Stephanie Burke, renowned author Chris Balzano and board scientist at large Matt Moniz.

Welcome TIm to the 222 Paranormal Podcast. Pease check out Tim and follow his page for all his updates and happenings.


Sep 11, 2022

Click here to go to Jens Closet 

Click here for Joe's Book 

Click here to go to the Scared and Alone's web page

On today's episode we talk with Courtney Buckely from Scare & Alone.

Scared & Alone is a livestream paranormal investigation where you get to experience what it’s like to be in one of the world’s most haunted locations. 
Look for livestream episodes of Scared & Alone on Saturday nights at 9PM Eastern Time on Youtube, or @ScaredAloneLive on Facebook, Twitter and Twitch!  Join the investigation and help us explore these mysterious and exciting locations. Hosted by Dean Haglund (The-X-FilesThe Lone Gunmen)with “Ghost Bait” Courtney Buckley, Author and Investigator David L. Sloan (Robert the Doll)“The Paranormal Princess” Miss Haley Michelle, “The Gentleman Psychic” Richard-Lael Lillard, Todd Bonner (Detroit Paranormal Expeditions), Tammie Merheb-Chavez (Hollyweird Podcast), Patti Negri (Ghost AdventuresTFIL Overnight), and YOU!
Hosted by Dean Haglund (The-X-FilesThe Lone Gunmen), with “Ghost Bait” Courtney Buckley, Author and Investigator David L. Sloan (Robert the Doll), “The Paranormal Princess”Miss Haley Michelle, “The Gentleman Psychic” Richard-Lael Lillard, Todd Bonner (Detroit Paranormal Expeditions), Tammie Merheb-Chavez (Hollyweird Podcast), Patti Negri (Ghost AdventuresTFIL Overnight), and YOU!
Sep 4, 2022

Back again from MIParacon 2022, we bring you some amazing interviews with TV Personality Richard Estep, with 25 years plus experience in the paranormal field, Richard has authored multiple books, including titles such as In Search of the Paranormal and The Great American Ghost Trip. He has appeared on some of our favorite shows, Haunted Hospitals and Paranormal 911. 

We also have back our dear friend, G.G. Psychic Medium from the internationally renowned Podcast, Paranormal XL, who's stopping by to updated us on some amazing happenings in her world.

Click here to go to Richard's Web page 

Click here for Paranaorml XL Podcast

Click here for Joe's Book 

Click here to go to Jen's Closet 

Remember if you haven't Subscribed/Followed please click that now. With your help, we can grow and bring you better and better shows. 

We are back at our favorite Paracon of the year. Over the next 4 weeks, we bring you our interviews from Michigan Paracon 2022. We put 843 miles on the 222 PP tour bus, lost our voices, and some money on the poker tables. But we did it all for you, our listener. So that we can bring you some amusing interviews.  

Today's show is Number 1 of 4. In this episode, we talk with Richard Estep and GG from Paranormal XL Podcast

First up is Author, TV personality, Speaker, and Researcher Richard Estep.

Richard Estep is known for Paranormal Nightshift (2020), A Haunting (2005), Paranormal 911 (2019). Destination Fear (TV Series), Haunted Hospitals (TV Series), and many more TV and Documentaries. 

Richard Estep, author, and researcher has written twenty books, including Serial Killers: The Minds, Methods, and Mayhem of History's Most Notorious Murderers. He has also written for the Journal of Emergency Medical Services. 

Your Second guest is GG

Paranormal XL Podcast With your host GG,

GG is a Podcast host, Tarot Card Reader, Crystal Dealer, and Owner of her soon-to-be-open Witch Hut. 

There is nothing more interesting than spirituality, the paranormal, or the unexplained. Here we are excited to share our podcast!
This is all about exploring and explaining the unexplained! As we reach deeper into the depths of the mystic, the mysterious, and the unknown, please pull up Spotify and the many other places to download our podcasts called paranormal xl! Come along with us on the journey, and explore the hidden realms! Share your ideas! let us know what else we should explore and talk about!
Aug 28, 2022

Click here for Joe's new book

Click here to save on high-end clothing in Jens's closet

Click here for the book of the week

In this episode Jen and Joe talk about some legendary haunted locations in their favorite haunted town in Michigan, St Ignace. This little town, just north of the famous Mackinac Bridge. This little seaside town is packed with tails of the paranormal, from ghostly figures that walk the streets to Native Americans in the shops. No one really knows the number of spirits that roam there, just that there have been thousands of sightings threw out the years. Joe and Jen talk about some of their favorite cases of hauntings, but there are many more to find. 

St.Ignace was founded by Father Marquette in 1671, and was named for St. Ignatius of Loyola. St. Ignace has a rich Native American history and was once the bustling hub of 17th century fur trade. In the mid-1800s, the population swelled as logging and commercial fishing went into full swing.

Today, the people of St. Ignace welcome visitors from all over the world to enjoy the natural beauty, alluring attractions, and friendliness of this uniquely wonderful vacation destination.

Downtown St.IgnaceIn the early 1900s, the few cars traveling the Straits crossed on railroad ferries at a cost of $40.00 each! In 1923, the Michigan State Ferry Service was established to transport autos between St. Ignace and the Lower Peninsula at the more reasonable cost of $2.50. During its first year of operation, 10,351 vehicles made the 1 hour crossing. In 1956, with 5 ferries running, about 1 million vehicles were transported across the water. During summer weekends, holidays and hunting season, as many as 9,000 cars were ferried, bringing line-ups of several miles and waits of 6 – 12 hours. The Mackinac Bridge replaced the Ferry Service in 1957. In its first few months of operation, the Mackinac Bridge recorded 140,000 vehicle crossings. Today, the Mackinac Bridge provides safe crossings for more than 4.5 million vehicles annually.

Joe Shortridge has written a book that will change your life. By changing how your first thoughts are in the morning will change how you live your life. Click on the link above to find out more. 

Aug 21, 2022

Today's episode we bring you tales from other podcasts, The Crypitds of The Corn podcast and the 222 Paranormal Podcast join forces to bring you all things paranormal, and you need to stay tuned cause something REALLY paranormal happens during the episode.

Click here for Joe's book

Click here to save on high-end clothing

Click here for The Cryptids of the corn Facebook page


Aug 14, 2022

Click here for the 222 website

Click here to go to Joes Podcast

Click here to save on High-End Clothing

Click here to get Joe's Book

In this episode, your hosts Jennifer Shortridge and Joe Shortridge talk about that person that just vanished right In front of others.

Is it Alien Abduction? Parallel Universe? The Large Hadron Collider at CERN? Or just a game of Fortnite?  

One of the mysterious disappearances we talk about is the disappearance of old Owen Parfitt from his sister’s front porch in the English countryside isn’t nearly as famous as, say, the disappearance of Amelia Earhart in 1937, but it’s even more mysterious. In the summer of 1763 (or thereabouts—accounts differ on the exact year), while living with his sister in the town of Shepton Mallet, the paralyzed 60-year-old Parfitt simply disappeared. He couldn’t have walked off, but even the farm workers in the field across the road from the porch where Parfitt was sitting didn’t see anyone come or go. One moment he was there, the next, poof.

We also briefly talk about the Missing 411 mysteries. Although we don't go deep into the Phenomenon we talk a little about the work by David Paulide.


Aug 7, 2022

In 1943 strange developments were underway as the US Government, allegedly began an experiment known now as the Philadelphia Experiment. What was this undercover operation? Why are the conspiracist still debating this? What really happened? Stay tuned to find out we discovered!

Click here to go to Joe's Year of Profit page 

Click here to go to the 222 Paranormal web page

Click here to save on High-End Clothing in Jens Closet 

If you like what you hear, please support the show! Like, comment and subscribe. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Donate on cash app @ $jen222jen  

Jul 31, 2022

Have you ever wanted to control your dreams? Maybe contact a loved one or travel to a far-off land? Live out your dream? It may be possible with what is called Lucid dreaming.

In this episode, we tell you what lucid dreaming is and how you can try it!

Tune in, get comfy, let's try some lucid dreaming. Please not while you are driving or operating machinery or performing in the circus.

Click here to save on high-end clothing

Click here to go to joes podcast Year of Profit

Click here for the book of the week 

If you like what you hear, please support the show! Like, comment and subscribe. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Donate on cash app @ $jen222jen  

Jul 24, 2022

Can you imagine living in a house built with 2,000 tombstones? Could you predict that house would be, say, maybe, haunted? Well it's a real thing and we got this story to share with you. But, that is not the only one, there are more, more strange and unusal homes that have tombstones, bones and other oddly odd buliding materials. In this espiside #315, of the 222 Paranormal Podcast, we have unearthed some bizarre placed people live that will keep you upat night wondering, is my place of residence built on top of or with a sacred stone?

Check out or links below to support the show!

Click here for Jens's resale Closet

Click here for joes Podcast Year of Profit

Click here for the Book of the week The Martians


Jul 17, 2022

Click here for Jens Poshmark Closet 

Click here for Joes Book 

In this episode, Jen and Joe talk about Ohio's ancient history. the history we have been taught is wrong. There are so many artifacts found all over Ohio that prove different. Carvings and Petroglyfts. If you take the time to look, you will see them all around you. Items such as The Newark Holly Stones, The Bat creek Stone (found in Knoxsville, Tenn), and other stones found all throughout Ohio. 

Joe's passion for this reigon of study is more than just a hobby. As we travel throughout America attending Paranormal Conferences we stop at many locations to gather information to help learn more about the artifacts. 

Some of the artifacts and mound structures we discuss in this episode are, The Newark Holly Stones.

Holly Stones

The Newark Holy Stones refer to a set of artifacts, allegedly discovered by David Wyrick in 1860 within a cluster of ancient Indian burial mounds near Newark Ohio, now generally believed to be a hoax. The set consists of the Keystone, a stone bowl, and the Decalogue with its sandstone box. 

The Bate Creek Stone

Bat Creek Stone

The Bat Creek Stone was professionally excavated in 1889 from an undisturbed burial mound in Eastern Tennessee by the Smithsonian's Mound Survey project.


Whether you believe that these are true or not, it is still a very interesting conversation. But with the evidence we have and have not yet found, we can clearly say that this is true. 

We also discussed a park just north of Columbus, Ohio called Shale Hollow Park. You will find all kinds of interesting things in this park and all threw out Ohio. Please remember to share the show with your friends. And also visit the websites listed at the top of this description. 

Jul 10, 2022

In 1994 a strange yet true incident happened in Ohio that shocked the world. On a quiet December night, one small county's law enforcement department was having an uneventful night. Then everything changed. Calls began to flood in, dispatchers were baffled by the strange reports that flooded in, then officers began to chase. The strange part was they have no idea what they were pursuing. It was truely an unidentified flying object.

Listen in as we bring you the Trumble County UFO 911 incident  on this the 313th episode of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.

Click here for joes podcast the year of profit

Click here for Jen's Poshmark Closet

Click here for the book of the week 14 day Morning Affirmation Transformation

Click for the a great deal on a phone/camera tripod!

Jul 3, 2022

Click here to save on High-End Clothing from Jen's closet 

Click here for Joe's Podcast Year of Profit

Click here for the book of the week Crash at Corona by Stanton T. Friedman

With the rise in UFO / UAP sightings, we look back at our interview with Stanton T. Friedman, one of the leaders in the field of UFOolgy who sadly passed and is missed terribly by the community. 

Listen in to the only civilian who was brought onto the infamous Roswell Incident, where an alien spacecraft was said to have crashed near Roswell, New Mexico.

This episode is dedicated to Dr. Stanton Friedman, thank you for sharing your story with us all on the 222 Paranormal Podcast.

Jun 26, 2022

Click here to save money on high-end clothing in Jens's closet 

Click here for Joe's Podcast Year of Profit

Click here for the Book of the week At Heavens Door by William J Peters

Shared-Death Experience is when a living person shares in the transition of someone dying. “They experience the initial stages of the afterlife. It can happen to caregivers, loved ones, or even just bystanders.”  every SDE is different, but some common examples include visions of the dying appearing healthy and happy, seeing a mystical light, or even entering a heavenly realm with the dying person. They can happen as waking visions, out-of-body-experience, or sometimes while we sleep. “It’s a dynamic experience,” he says. “We are being allowed to witness a journey from this human life into what lies beyond.”

Raymond Moody, Lee Stobel, and Willian J. Peters speak often about this phenomenon. They devote their life and time to this paranormal topic. 

Listen as we bring you episode 311 of the 222 Paranormal Podcast, SDE's 

Jun 19, 2022

Mirror Mirror on the wall who's the most haunted of them all? The 222 Paranormal Podcast of course!

Here we go with another amazing show all about Haunted Mirrors. Have you gazed upon the reflection in a mirror and seen someone else's face? Have you tried the Bloody Mary or Blue Baby ritual?

You will never look in a mirror the same after this episode so beware fine listeners! LOL

Thanks for tuning in and please like and follow on your favorite podcast site!

Click here for Joe's new podcast Year of Profit.

Click here for Jens Poshmark closet. 

Book of the week: Smoke and Mirrors: The Haunted House of Alton Towers

Jun 12, 2022

On today's episode we catch up with the founder of the Portal Paranormal Ken Suminski.  Portal Paranormal Society, LLC, founded 10.30.2009, is a group of friends committed to the study of paranormal phenomena. We are debunkers and believers.

Ken brings a fresh approach to investigations and shares some of his harrowing experiences with you listeners! His true tales of demonic encounters will keep you up at night.

Listen in as we bring you another amazing episode dedicated to exploring the pursuit of the paranormal, thanks for joining the 222 Paranormal Podcast for another week of spooky sagas!

Join us along with Ken at the Festival of the Oddities Sept. 3 in Charlotte, MI!

Click here for Joes podcast Year of Profit

Click here to save on High-End Clothing in Jens Closet 

Click here for Books from our guest 

Click here for Portal Paranormal Society

Jun 5, 2022

From the depths of Mansfield Reformatory, we bring you our conversations with fellow podcasters, Not Afraid Podcast, a former guide at the Ohio State Reformatory haunted prison who has started her own podcast and Psychic Medium Beth Deering along with Brian Cano who are excited to talk about their new collaboration of the Poasttown Paranormal Academy. Beth gives us her background and her journey into the paranormal and Brian tells about his latest book, Grains of Sand. 

Listen in as we bring you episode #309 of the 222 Paranormal Podcast.


here for Joe's Podcast Year of Profit

Click here to save on high-end clothing in Jen's Online Boutique

Click here for Brian J. Cano's book, Grains of Sand 

May 29, 2022

Back again in prison! Mansfield Reformatory that is. We were so excited to be back at ParaPsyCon 2022 and we able to get some very spooky tales from some of the guests and attendees. We talked to authors, Paranormal Teams, Psychics and more. And of course our #1 fan Thom Farber stopped by! Listen in as we bring you amazing guests who bring you over to the spooky side!

Click here for great prices on clothing from Jens Poshmark Closet 

Click here for Joes Podcast Year of Profit Facebook Page

Click here for the book The Pure World Comes From Remi Ungar


May 22, 2022

In today's episode, we catch up with some great interviews with local paranormal enthusiasts, who generously shared their experiences with bigfoot and weird happenings from our show in Coshocton, Oh at the Sasquatch Triangle Conference. 

Show Links

Year of Profit Podcast

Jens Poshmark Closet 

Jens hot, steamy, love novel. NEVER FALL FOR THE FORBIDDEN  

May 8, 2022

Strange and spooky things are happening in Iowa...and all over the world!  This episode we talk to Kandi Slater from Riverside Iowa Paranormal, whose group is expanded branches from the Iowa boarders to around the globe!  

Click Here for Joes Podcast Year of Profit

Click here for Jens Poshmark Closet 

Click here for Riverside Iowa Paranormal 

May 1, 2022

It's time...time to get back to some great conferences! We are pleased to have David Wickham on the show to tell us all about his experiences tracking the elusive sasquatch here in Ohio and to bring our listeners info on his upcoming Sasquatch Triangle Conference which will take place May 15, 2022, in Coshocton, OH.

Bring the family out to this one-day conference and learn all about bigfoot and sasquatch!

Click here for The Sasquatch Triangle Conference Info

Click here for Year of Profit 

Click here for Jens Closet 

Apr 24, 2022

When you go to the mall to go shopping you expect to see clothing stores, kids hanging out, bustling shoppers and the enviatble mall walkers, but what if your local mall had something different. Something not for sale, something not living? What if your mall had a cemetary in the parking lot? Ghosts wandering the shops...Or gravestones in the middle of the food court....okay maybe not the last one, but today's episode will shock and surprise you. We found locations that have been reported at haunted, and real malls with graveyards actually attached. It's more common than you would think. 

Listen in to today's episode 303 of the 222 Paranormal Podcast for more details!

Click Here for Tee Shirts

Click here for Jens Closet 

Click here for Year of Profit 

Sasquatch Triangle Conference 

Thank you for listening! PLease like our facebook page, subscribe to our YouTube channel and share the episode with your friends!

Apr 17, 2022

Things that go bump in the night are scary, dark shadows, misty lights, glowing eyes and of course the ever present slighting of a goblin! These tiny yet mysticaly creatures roam the planet barely noticed by society unless you are lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. Often impish looking, they can take up residence in your home and just love to knock on walls and scurry across your floors. You may even find them in mines and caves warning workers of impending doom. 

Listen in as the 222 Paranornal Podcast tells the tales of the elusive goblins that have crocssed paths with unsuspecting witnesses.

As always please if you can support the show by checking out our website below:

Also on your podcast source, click, like and subscribe to our show!


Apr 10, 2022

We brought you the story of the Greenbriar Ghost, a case where a ghost's testimony solved its own murder, but now the 222 Paranormal Podcast has uncovered more tantizling cases of the dead revealing to the living the clues and details of whay really happened to them and how it helped solve their own murders.

If you like what you hear, please tell your friend, co-workers and your crazy uncles to listen to the show. Share the the episodes on your social media!

Help support the show. Click here to go to our book selection. 

Click here for Jens Poshmark online store.

Click here for Joe's Podcast The Year of Profit. 

Apr 3, 2022

Welcome listeners to our 300th show!!!!! We thank you all for this incredible journey. From the first show till now we have strived to bring you the stories, legends, hauntings, places, sightings, tales, cases, and people who roam the realm of the paranormal. And today is no different, we bring you the true tales of the Appalachian Mountain witches. 

Steeped in great mystery the Appalachians are fiercely private folks who for centuries didn't want outsiders to understand their practices and rites. Mostly folklore and naturalism, these witches healed, vexed, soothed, cursed and practiced in their own traditions. Listen in as we bring you their tales and some of ours as tradition, of course, our best bloopers from the past.

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